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The list below shows the names of men who have shared their prostate cancer experiences. It is in alphabetical order by first name. Clicking on the man's name will take you to his story. You can find stories from men who have a similar diagnosis to yours by choosing from the various criteria in the box below.

For example, if you are 54 years old, to see stories of men diagnosed at a similar age, choose the 50 to 59 range of ages in the "Age at Diagnosis" box. If you wanted to see men in this age group residing in Texas, then you would select the age group and also select United States/Texas in the "Country/State of Residence" box. If your PSA was 8.6 at diagnosis and you wanted to see if there were men in your age group in Texas with a PSA like yours, then you would choose the range between 8.0 and 8.9 in the PSA box as well as the age and residence choices.

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683 stories were found.  Click on the link for the member's name to view his story.

Details at Diagnosis Primary Treatment Further treatment, if any, with current PSA Name Location Curr Age
Date Age PSA GS Stage PSA Treatment/Side Effects Date
2/2007 50 4.80 6 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 0.12 None; No Changes year over year. 2025-03-08 2 Buk Chuk California, USA 68
5/2006 72 13.10 6 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 1.00 None; 1 2024-08-24 Abdurrahman Ozal Turkey 91
03/2014 52 4.50 6 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.60 None 2024-11-01 Adrian Brough England 63
3/2007 60 2.70 7 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2020-03-04 Al Fell Pennsylvania, USA 78
9/1999 63 2080.00 8 T2a ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 1615.00  Passed On - RIP 2013-06-18 Al Hutton Ontario, Canada 89
12/2017 77 5.60 7b T1a Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT 0.04 None; Long term ED 2024-12-01 Al Schroer Florida, USA 85
3/1997 42 11.20 9 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2007-06-01 Alan Bacon Western Australia 70
1/2003 52 2100.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 264.00  Passed On - RIP 2012-10-01 Alan Charlton England 74
5/2007 56 76.41 9 T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Calypso with ADT 0.10 None; Osteropenia 2025-01-17 Alan J Washington, USA 74
1/2003 57 6.30 7 T2c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT 0.07 None; Don't know that I have any significant side effects now - just old age. 2024-10-03 Alan Meyer the USA 79
10/2013 68 4.20 8 T2b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec. Other / Specify:; Read my story 2024-06-13 Alan Krug California, USA 80
07/2015 65 11.40 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.15 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Few 2023-09-16 Alan Dolge South Carolina, USA 75
2/1996 59 349.00 7 ? ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.42  Passed On - RIP 2023-11-02 Alan (Perry) Wahlin Minnesota, USA 88
10/2013 54 20.60 8 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Other / Specify: 2024-11-17 Aleph B Kansas, USA 66
5/2007 64 9.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; None at my present age! 2025-03-01 Alex Covell New Hampshire, USA 82
04/2009 48 8.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; mild but 24/7 incontinence, erectile dysfunction 2023-11-02 Alfred M Netherlands 64
02/2014 65 9.10 9 T3 External Beam Radiation+ADT 0.01 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Hot flushes. Sometimes tired. 2024-08-22 Alfred C Queensland, Australia 76
8/2009 69 6.70 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 7.38 None; None 2024-09-16 Allan Murray Ontario, Canada 85
7/2006 52 1.90 6 T2a Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. None; None 2024-06-01 Allan Simsee New Zealand 71
10/2009 69 4.90 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 6.50 None; NA 2024-03-01 Allan Greenberg Massachusetts, USA 85
2/2005 52 5.15 6 T2 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.40 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; better since being on intermittent hormone 2024-10-12 Allen Z California, USA 72
4/2008 58 98.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 47.00  Passed On - RIP 2012-07-12 Amador Montejano California, USA 75
9/2009 40 1.40 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.47 None; None 2024-04-11 Andrew Sikes Virginia, USA 56
05/2017 57 6.00 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2023-09-04 Andrew Tapson England 65
09/2021 53 5.10 7a T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 Surgery; None 2023-03-01 Andrew Cohen California, USA 57
6/2005 57 133.00 7 T3a ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-06-01 Andy Ripley England 77
03/2014 61 5.50 7b T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2024-10-01 Andy H England 72
6/2011 55 4.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.06 None 2024-11-22 Ant Kne New Jersey, USA 69
2/2008 52 4.19 7a T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.03 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; Erectile issues 2024-08-01 Anton Schwarz England 69
10/2006 41 8.10 7 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2022-12-12 Arek Daniel New South Wales, Australia 60
11/1998 68 14.60 6 T1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec. None; none 2024-12-01 Arne Soederkvist Sweden 95
10/2018 64 1.20 6 T1c None 1.00 None 2024-03-01 Art S California, USA 71
02/2021 78 10.70 7b Unknown Brachytherapy / High Dosage with External Beam 2.40 None 2022-09-30 Art Schlueter Jr. Georgia, USA 82
3/2009 51 7.60 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-01-21 Arthur Clayton Oregon, USA 67
06/2016 59 3.50 9 T2c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.05 Chemotherapy / Taxotere; Neuropathy, edema, sexual disfunction 2024-06-01 Artistic One Mark Washington, USA 68
07/2017 58 10.50 7b T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + EBRT 0.01 None; Urinary incontinence 2024-02-01 Arun Kumar India 66
2/1992 68 10.20 5 B2 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2008-07-01 Aubrey Pilgrim California, USA 101
10/2008 58 4.49 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2020-01-01 B H Oregon, USA 75
3/2004 61 9.00 6 T1c Surgery / Perineal Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Mild incontinence both urination and defecation, no penis erection. 2025-01-09 BJC Victoria, Australia 82
6/2007 63 31.00 8 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT 5.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Hot flashes and fatigue 2024-04-01 Barry Cowan California, USA 81
11/2008 60 5.00 6 T1c External Beam Radiation 0.57 None; None 2024-09-01 Barry Schneider Massachusetts, USA 77
12/2007 59 37.00 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; mild incontinence issues. Close to full recovery of erectile function 2024-02-01 Barry W California, USA 77
12/2010 59 1.80 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; Occasional slight incontinence 2024-12-01 Barry C California, USA 74
9/2006 59 435.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2008-12-01 Basil Williams New South Wales, Australia 78
6/2007 54 220.00 6 T1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2008-11-01 Bassam Hassouna Kuwait 72
8/2009 50 7.40 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; stomach, gas problems are much improved, probiotics and not much meat 2020-07-05 Bayard Seydel California, USA 66
11/2010 67 2.55 6 T2b Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.88 None 2019-12-08 Ben Goodman Israel 82
3/2008 55 30.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2009-09-01 Bernard Power Scotland 72
08/2019 58 4.50 7a T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant 0.01 None 2025-03-05 Bernd Schneider Germany 64
5/2005 59 19.00 7 T2c External Beam Radiation+ADT Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2009-01-01 Bernie Boyce England 79
12/2007 64 8.77 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2023-10-02 Bernie Hoth New York, USA 82
10/2012 59 7.80 9 T2b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.03 None 2024-02-08 BigAl B Queensland, Australia 72
6/2004 63 4.60 6 T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2020-06-01 Bill Elliot Arizona, USA 84
6/2006 56 4.30 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2022-06-03 Bill Jordan Alabama, USA 75
2/2009 64 11.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED some urgency 2024-12-01 Bill Klungle Michigan, USA 80
7/2007 59 3.90 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; worsening incontinence 2024-01-09 Bill Mac New South Wales, Australia 77
4/2005 54 7.70 7 T1c External Beam Radiation 0.03 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Some high flashes 2020-05-01 Bill Mood Maryland, USA 74
6/2007 74 5.30 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Unknown None; Impotent 2025-02-04 Bill Mallett California, USA 92
5/2008 55 1.92 6 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None except as noted before. ED is what it is. 2024-03-01 Bill McKinnon Ohio, USA 72
1/2004 44 5.30 4 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-03-01 Bill Pritchard England 65
8/2006 58 5.10 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 None; Some minor radiation proctitis but gone now 2024-08-01 Bill Perrill Illinois, USA 77
3/1997 59 4.50 5 T1c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with ADT 0.10 Brachytherapy / High Dosage with External Beam; old age 2024-12-03 Bill Rau North Carolina, USA 87
7/2005 60 11.20 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam Unknown None; bladder cancer, urethra stricture, incontinence 2024-08-06 Bill Robinson Michigan, USA 80
10/2007 56 5.00 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.02 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy; Moderate ED 2024-03-12 Bill T Texas, USA 74
03/2009 64 5.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None 2024-03-08 Bill Short Ontario, Canada 80
08/2008 66 20.20 Unknown Unknown Other / Specify: Undetec. None 2024-02-01 Bill Hasseberg Florida, USA 83
03/2015 62 2.23 7 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 None; ED 2020-05-05 Bill H Illinois, USA 72
04/2014 60 5.00 6 T1c Other / Specify: Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; None presently 2025-02-01 Bill H Arizona, USA 71
12/2016 56 5.60 7b Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; weight gain, impotence 2022-08-01 Bill Balboa Texas, USA 65
08/2016 65 4.20 7b T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 19.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Food cravings, weight gain 2024-02-01 Bill Pettit Nebraska, USA 74
10/2019 68 5.50 7 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2025-03-03 Bill J Texas, USA 74
08/2014 52 8.00 7b T1b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 81.00 None; Loss of right arm strength. Overweight, fatigue, doomed 2024-09-02 Blackie B Australia 63
9/2009 64 7.20 8 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 3.74 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Occasional pain at radiotherapy sites. 2024-12-02 Bob B England 80
2/2007 61 5.00 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-03-01 Bob Coleman the USA 79
5/2007 54 4.50 6 T1c Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy - Focal 1.80 Other / Specify:; None 2025-01-03 Bob Macomber Virginia, USA 72
10/2007 60 4.20 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 3.25 None 2024-04-01 Bob Smith California, USA 78
9/2008 58 18.00 8 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT 4.90 None 2025-01-08 Bob Wood South Australia, Australia 75
3/2009 50 6.50 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.03 None; None 2022-12-01 Bob Benett California, USA 66
3/2005 65 1.93 5 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; dribbling 2024-03-01 Bob Chapman the USA 85
3/2002 51 46.00 9 T2 External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated with ADT 53.00  Passed On - RIP 2015-07-13 Bob Parsons Michigan, USA 74
01/2012 56 4.20 9 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 14.10 Other / Specify:; Mouth sores, fatigue 2022-11-01 Bob H Tennessee, USA 69
09/2017 46 4.31 7b T2a External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.32 None; Almost none now. 2024-10-09 Bob J California, USA 54
12/2016 70 7.23 8 T2a Brachytherapy 0.18 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Hot Flashes, Fatigue 2024-06-29 Bob Latchford Texas, USA 79
12/2006 62 97.80 8 T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT 3707.00  Passed On - RIP 2013-04-19 Boxer Joe L Oregon, USA 81
10/2018 55 20.33 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minor Erectile Dysfunction 2020-04-03 Brad Churchill Alabama, USA 62
11/2001 54 9.30 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.70 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 2025-03-01 Brent Pettigrew Ohio, USA 78
4/2007 56 960.00 ? T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 42.00  Passed On - RIP 2011-12-04 Brian Marshall New Zealand 74
1/2009 58 6.10 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 5.00 None 2024-03-01 Brian Saunders Northern Ireland 74
05/2013 47 134.00 Unknown T4M1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 11.00  Passed On - RIP 2016-01-10 Brian Israel New York, USA 59
08/2010 50 5.60 9 T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2018-12-11 Brian G Washington, USA 65
11/2015 40 3.90 7a T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Slight urinary urgency 2020-05-09 Brian A California, USA 50
7/2006 63 8.00 9 T2b External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 1163.00  Passed On - RIP 2012-07-23 Bruce Armstrong California, USA 82
8/2009 40 3.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Occasional urine leakage 2024-04-10 Bruce S Queensland, Australia 56
7/1996 50 3.70 6 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 200.00  Passed On - RIP 2016-11-02 Bryan Metcalf England 79
01/2016 64 7.50 7b T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.60 External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam; Some diarrhea with spicy foods 2024-03-26 Buddy E Florida, USA 73
05/2012 53 8.30 7b T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2020-05-12 Bull P Texas, USA 66
12/2006 62 4.20 7 T2b External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 0.90 None; None 2024-04-24 CSN Pennsylvania, USA 81
09/2015 51 6.70 8 T2a ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 0.24 None; Radiation Induced Stage 3 Gross Hematuria of Bladder & Urethra 2024-10-31 CaliJR R California, USA 61
12/2006 57 13.00 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-06-18 Calvin W England 76
3/2003 60 4.50 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 212.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; so far none 2019-11-10 Cam Bishop Maryland, USA 82
09/2016 57 4.80 9 T2a External Beam Radiation Undetec. External Beam Radiation / CyberKnife; Mimimal 2024-06-25 Canadiansurgeon H Alberta, Canada 66
8/2011 60 4.03 6 T1c Brachytherapy / High Dosage Undetec. None 2024-08-04 Carey Mulwee Missouri, USA 74
6/2009 69 42.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-02-01 Carl Schuette Saskatchewan, Canada 85
11/2013 63 8.10 7a T2a Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2024-03-11 Carl Canty England 75
09/2016 72 8.90 7b T2a None Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2024-03-09 Carl Vilbrandt Oregon, USA 81
09/2012 58 6.70 Unknown Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-03-12 Carl Chapman Queensland, Australia 71
09/2009 65 4.35 7 T1a Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 5.50 None; Nocturia 2025-01-28 Carlos P California, USA 81
04/2011 36 10.10 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2023-12-01 Case M Texas, USA 50
03/2014 59 65.00 8 Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.49 None; Erectile Dysfunction 2024-06-15 Chansa B Zambia 70
11/2008 72 3.09 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2020-03-19 Charles Blakley Arizona, USA 89
5/2008 71 10.40 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam Unknown None; none 2024-08-18 Charles Coryn Tennessee, USA 88
05/2009 69 4.30 10 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 350.00  Passed On - RIP 2013-03-03 Charles Tosi Virginia, USA 85
11/2013 65 5006.00 8 M1b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 700.00 Other / Specify: 2021-10-30 Charles T California, USA 77
01/2018 56 6.20 7b T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 None 2021-02-28 Charles R Georgia, USA 63
11/1992 59 6.80 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.20 Other / Specify:; Currently Chronicanemia/fatigue from long ADT, arthritis, 5 stents in heart 2023-07-01 Charles (Chuck) Maack Kansas, USA 92
6/2008 73 4.10 7 T1b Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.10 None; Retrograde ejaculation 2022-08-01 Charlie C California, USA 90
3/2004 64 6.00 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / ProstRcision 246.00 None 2023-02-17 Charlie D North Carolina, USA 85
2/2000 64 8.90 7 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT 65.00  Passed On - RIP 2012-06-07 Charlie Redd Florida, USA 89
06/2012 63 2.40 6 T2a Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.90 Non-Invasive / Alternative Medicine; None 2024-02-01 Charlie B California, USA 76
4/2010 60 14.00 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 None; Erections have never gotten back to same level as pre-surgery. 2020-01-01 Chris B New York, USA 75
4/2007 45 31.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2009-12-01 Chris F Michigan, USA 63
11/2011 60 20.00 7b T2a Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 10.90 None 2024-04-01 Chris Thornhill England 74
8/2010 58 7.90 9 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 0.15 None 2024-09-16 Christian Ellefson Arizona, USA 73
5/2008 58 7.70 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.84 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2024-03-12 Christopher Ivy North Carolina, USA 75
03/2014 43 0.05 Unknown Unknown Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT 0.07 None 2020-07-04 Christopher Tatlow Wales 54
3/2010 61 4.90 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 17.40 Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 2024-12-01 Chuck Feeney Illinois, USA 76
7/2008 56 5.80 9 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT Undetec. None 2025-03-09 Chuck Wonderly Arizona, USA 73
12/2012 61 9.40 7b T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 2023-12-03 Clark E Ontario, Canada 74
01/2019 67 3.25 7b T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.06 None 2020-06-10 Clerk Jones West Virginia, USA 73
10/2013 59 6.80 7a T1c Uncommon/Unconventional / MRI-Guided Focal Laser Therapy 0.30 None; None 2023-03-14 Col Jones South Australia, Australia 71
4/1994 76 15.00 6 T2b Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2007-06-01 Colin Campbell Ontario, Canada 107
11/2015 62 98.00 9 Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Few if any fatigue the main one and achy left hip 2021-10-02 Colin R England 72
1/2011 53 330.00 8 T4 External Beam Radiation+ADT 0.09 None; Still some intestinal hurry 2024-01-01 Cormac LordInchiquin England 67
7/2008 43 0.97 6 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; 50% erectile dysfunction and slight leakage 2023-11-10 Corporal C Ohio, USA 60
1/2009 62 1.53 8 T3 External Beam Radiation+ADT Undetec. External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT; <30 ng/ml Testosterone after 14 years 2023-12-01 Craig Pynn California, USA 78
8/2006 60 6.80 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-01-08 Craig Reynolds Michigan, USA 79
09/2013 48 138.00 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 2023-01-15 Cy Thomas Iowa, USA 60
06/2007 65 8.80 9 T2b Brachytherapy / High Dosage with External Beam Undetec. None; Radiation cystitis for one week 13 years after radiation 2023-11-07 Dale M Michigan, USA 83
2/2006 51 5.50 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; minimal 2024-08-02 Dan Bryant Oregon, USA 70
11/2010 45 5.40 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2020-07-22 Dan M Iowa, USA 60
01/2016 59 4.30 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; occasional stress incontinence if to much beer or caffeine is consumed 2024-06-13 Dan B Florida, USA 68
6/2010 58 4.20 7 T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-08-09 Daniel Sencier England 73
08/2015 55 16.70 9 T4 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 161.00 None; Pain - bone, muscle, and nerve 2024-06-06 Daniel Smith California, USA 65
6/2010 56 4.50 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-08-03 Dann Dixon Texas, USA 71
6/2001 61 5.70 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.00  Passed On - RIP 2025-01-05 Danny Evans Queensland, Australia 85
12/2005 56 3.70 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 None; None 2024-03-01 Danny S Texas, USA 76
09/2012 55 2.35 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; None 2024-05-01 Dante A New Hampshire, USA 68
02/2012 61 4.10 7a T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Undetec. None; None 2024-03-01 Darrell C. Mississippi, USA 74
07/2016 48 4.20 6 T1a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-08-01 Darrell Lee Georgia, USA 57
05/2010 54 4.50 6 T1a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.40 Uncommon/Unconventional; Nil 2024-03-01 Darryl Baillie Queensland, Australia 69
4/2008 57 5.80 7 T2 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 67.00  Passed On - RIP 2015-11-06 Dave B Florida, USA 74
10/2007 56 6.70 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2016-12-01 Dave Curtis Delaware, USA 74
4/2009 45 3.01 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.20 Other / Specify: 2024-11-02 Dave C Montana, USA 61
5/2011 58 76.00 7a T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT 1.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Fatigue and neuropathy in feet 2024-09-01 Dave Chappell England 72
11/2009 46 4.70 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 10.20 None; N/A 2024-08-29 Dave H Utah, USA 62
05/2012 55 7.00 9 T3a External Beam Radiation+ADT Undetec. None; Non 2020-08-01 Dave Else New Zealand 68
01/2013 58 4.20 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 None; Minimal proctitis no bleeding no treatment needed 2025-03-01 Dave E Virginia, USA 70
01/2016 46 4.60 9 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-03-04 Dave Palmer New South Wales, Australia 55
09/2015 59 4.30 7 Unknown Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2020-06-03 Dave William Ontario, Canada 69
04/2023 46 6.30 7a T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.00 None 2023-07-21 Dave Jablinski Ontario, Canada 48
5/2005 56 12.50 9 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Only long term side effect is ED 2024-11-02 David Bashover Colorado, USA 76
2/2005 42 271.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 82.00  Passed On - RIP 2012-10-06 David Emerson Kansas, USA 62
11/2003 64 6.00 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant 2.00 Undecided / Undecided 2024-08-03 David Hill England 86
3/2007 56 3.00 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-11-01 David King Texas, USA 74
11/2008 57 4.70 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 2.00 None; None 2024-06-01 David M Colorado, USA 74
10/2009 57 9.40 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. Brachytherapy; Loss of ejaculate forever. No other detectable side effect 2020-09-02 David M Illinois, USA 73
1/2010 62 6.10 7a T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 4.70 None; None 2025-01-01 David Mansfield England 77
6/2010 57 3.07 9 T2b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-09-01 David N Louisiana, USA 72
11/2006 57 11.50 7 T2 External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.20 None; slight urgency 2023-12-01 David White Washington, USA 76
01/2012 46 2.90 6 T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2021-06-19 David Cohen Missouri, USA 59
07/2012 49 3.00 7a T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2024-04-01 David A Texas, USA 62
07/2015 78 13.50 7 Unknown External Beam Radiation Unknown None; Radiation Proctitis. 2020-08-01 David Payne England 88
05/1999 55 6.90 Unknown T2c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 207.00 None 2023-12-23 David Ciracovitch Australia 81
8/2009 71 6.20 7 T2a External Beam Radiation+ADT Undetec. Chemotherapy / Zytiga (Abiraterone); none 2021-10-20 Del Mancuso North Carolina, USA 87
09/2014 58 45.00 9 T3b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 160.00 Other / Specify: 2020-08-05 Denis Dowen England 69
12/2008 60 1.90 9 T2 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 1.00  Passed On - RIP 2018-07-16 Dennis Carlisle Illinois, USA 77
1/2006 60 17.00 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + EBRT 9.00  Passed On - RIP 2013-04-08 Dennis Peterson South Carolina, USA 79
2/2009 60 6.70 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Unknown None 2024-07-01 Dennis Lehman Oregon, USA 76
9/1998 48 2.60 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.20 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 2024-11-01 Dennis Newkirk Arizona, USA 75
10/2015 58 2.52 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 2.77 Other / Specify: 2024-02-01 Dennis K Oklahoma, USA 68
01/2013 70 2.30 9 T2b Surgery Undetec. None; Some occasional leakage - Erections are an issue 2020-03-14 Dennis Golden Connecticut, USA 82
12/1996 68 145.00 7 T4 External Beam Radiation Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-09-19 Derek Bird South Africa 97
2/2008 63 4.30 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Total Incontinence, Erectile Disfunction, Low Testosterone, Sever Pain 2024-05-02 Dino Brown Massachusetts, USA 80
8/1999 59 3.90 6 ? Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-10-02 Don Kersch Texas, USA 85
6/2008 66 5.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; Dribble 2025-01-11 Don Pearson Michigan, USA 83
11/2014 65 4.80 8 T2a Brachytherapy / High Dosage Undetec. None 2024-01-01 Don R Utah, USA 76
04/2013 59 12.70 9 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT Undetec. None; Fatigue, muscle weakness ,joint-pain, 2024-05-21 Don J Arizona, USA 71
8/2008 71 4.10 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.03 None; Instability 2024-08-01 Donald Oberlin Michigan, USA 88
8/1991 48 4.80 10 C1 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED from prostatectomy in 1991 2024-02-03 Doug Adam Scotland 82
04/2018 76 5.00 7a T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2024-11-01 Doug C California, USA 83
06/2010 57 15.00 7a T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.43 Undecided / Undecided; None 2024-07-01 Dougie M Australia 72
07/2017 65 7.00 9 T3b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec. None; Complete ED, still some fatigue 2024-02-12 Dubbs Lar Queensland, Australia 73
03/2020 62 520.00 Unknown Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.50 Chemotherapy 2023-11-03 Duncab B England 67
09/2016 57 8.00 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.07 None 2018-04-29 Dygad W Ontario, Canada 66
2/2010 70 5.80 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; slight incontinence, especially when physically active 2024-04-01 E T K Colorado, USA 85
12/2009 59 6.30 7 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 1.10 None; none 2024-06-01 EG B California, USA 75
5/2008 58 8.30 8 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-11-04 Ed Julius Connecticut, USA 75
05/2017 57 9.00 7 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-02-01 Ed Burkhart Massachusetts, USA 65
8/2010 55 17.00 9 T1b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Permanent impotence 2024-09-17 Eddie Murray England 70
07/2012 55 3.80 Unknown Unknown No Diagnosis 4.24 None 2024-09-21 Eddie G. New York, USA 68
11/2009 73 8.70 7a Unknown Brachytherapy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2014-09-07 Eddy May South Australia, Australia 89
06/2016 53 263.00 Unknown T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 115.90  Passed On - RIP 2019-06-19 Edward Ritter Pennsylvania, USA 62
12/2006 53 9.10 8 T2b HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 89.00  Passed On - RIP 2016-05-28 Eric Sondeen Colorado, USA 72
8/2000 56 7.00 9 T1c Surgery / Perineal Prostatectomy 0.10 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; None 2024-11-29 Eric Taylor New South Wales, Australia 81
08/2017 52 6.00 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2019-12-04 Eric Scott Texas, USA 60
6/2000 72 5.60 6 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.90  Passed On - RIP 2017-01-22 Ernest Frank Maine, USA 97
11/2022 81 9.22 7b Unknown External Beam Radiation+ADT 12.00 None; My ADT will start in October 23 followed by 5 radiation treatments 2023-08-01 Ernest Hiebert Manitoba, Canada 84
9/2010 68 3.70 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant 0.18 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); breast enlargement, Shrinkage, loss of strength 2024-05-02 Fay Chin Illinois, USA 83
12/2008 56 3.40 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Mild incontinence 2024-02-01 Frank F Connecticut, USA 73
1/2003 61 6.10 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2020-03-01 Frank Maslen England 83
10/2008 67 141.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-08-01 Frank Stirling British Columbia, Canada 84
12/2005 52 4.00 8 T2b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2013-03-23 Frank Streiff Tennessee, USA 72
3/1993 55 4.80 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 70.00  Passed On - RIP 2019-11-01 Frank Tarantino Pennsylvania, USA 87
10/2011 65 0.40 6 T1a Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.06 None; NONE 2022-07-01 Frank Fiore Arizona, USA 79
02/2012 73 7.97 8 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / CyberKnife (SBRT) with ADT 0.01 None; Some loss of urinary control but not much 2025-02-01 Frank Marr Virginia, USA 86
11/1995 48 60.00 7 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2007-09-01 Franklin Jarlett Pennsylvania, USA 78
12/2007 56 5.24 6 T1c Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy - Focal 7.50 Other / Specify: 2024-11-13 Fred B Alabama, USA 74
7/2005 62 6.00 6 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-01-01 Fred Weinberg New York, USA 82
05/2020 62 5.20 7 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2.00 None 2021-04-13 Fred C Michigan, USA 67
8/2006 73 5.00 8 T2b External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam Undetec. External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT; None 2024-08-02 Fuller Jones Florida, USA 92
3/2004 66 108.00 8 T3b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2018-11-02 G Putt Kansas, USA 87
02/1998 55 10.00 8 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 485.00  Passed On - RIP 2019-11-07 G. Glass California, USA 82
1/2009 48 6.60 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; impotence (permanent) 2024-05-28 Gabe G New York, USA 64
11/2008 55 10.80 9 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.13 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Fatigue, hot flashes 2023-03-01 Gary D New York, USA 72
11/2010 71 12.00 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2023-07-04 Gary P California, USA 86
5/2008 65 7.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Occasional stress incontinence 2020-10-06 Gary W New Jersey, USA 82
08/2013 58 6.90 9 T4 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.35 None; Occasional urinary and faecel incontince from radiation ten years ago. 2024-12-01 Gary Thomas Western Australia 70
07/2009 57 6.00 6 Unknown External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 1.20 None; None 2025-03-01 Gary W Illinois, USA 73
04/2022 63 8.00 9 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2022-12-15 Gary M Texas, USA 66
1/2009 58 26.88 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.40 None; None 2024-10-02 Gavin Pollock South Africa 74
05/2019 63 407.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 9.30 None 2021-07-05 Gears03 Ayala Texas, USA 69
6/2009 54 4.70 6 T1b Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. External Beam Radiation / CyberKnife; ED 2024-06-01 Gene C Arkansas, USA 70
3/2007 59 8.00 8 T2c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT Undetec. None 2024-08-10 Gene Grigsby Washington, USA 77
04/2020 66 3.70 7b T1c Other / Specify: 0.47 None 2022-03-01 General G Australia 71
11/2007 57 10.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-06-01 Geoff H England 75
11/2008 59 3.80 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Unknown Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2025-02-02 Geoff I Illinois, USA 76
07/2008 63 4.50 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; Slight incontinence. 2024-02-01 Geoff Rothon Wales 80
6/2009 56 23.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; I still have ED and leak a little. 2025-03-03 Geoffrey Cotterman New York, USA 72
7/2008 63 6.30 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Nothing new 2024-12-01 George Crozier California, USA 80
4/2005 54 182.00 6 T4 External Beam Radiation+ADT 0.66 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Tiredness 2024-10-14 George Hardy England 74
5/2010 70 6.00 8 T2b Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT 70.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); lack of strength and energy and balance, can't walk well. 2025-03-01 George W California, USA 85
07/2009 71 40.50 9 M1a ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 0.40 None; adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, brain fog 2024-09-01 George B Georgia, USA 87
09/2015 69 4.89 7a T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.08 External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam; burned rectum causes bleeding. impotence. urinary urgency. 2024-08-01 George O Florida, USA 79
09/2016 69 3.40 7a T2c External Beam Radiation 0.75 None; Incontenence x 2 2024-04-03 Gil Longwell Pennsylvania, USA 78
12/2010 73 5.84 7 T2b External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 None 2024-10-01 Glen Fotre Arizona, USA 88
2/2007 60 8.50 8 T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-04-01 Glenn C Texas, USA 78
12/2003 56 21.00 9 T2c Brachytherapy / High Dosage 31.00  Passed On - RIP 2013-04-15 Gordon Kerr Queensland, Australia 78
12/2003 52 80.30 8 T3/T4 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT3 2025-01-01 Gordon McLeod Canada 74
12/2017 53 12.50 6 T2b Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None; ED 2023-11-16 Gordon S Ohio, USA 61
10/2006 48 4.10 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ERD 2024-09-01 Graeme Parker Victoria, Australia 67
5/2011 53 11.60 8 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; incontinence 2024-12-01 Greg D Massachusetts, USA 67
2/2010 58 3.80 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 None; none 2024-07-03 Greg Kampa California, USA 73
9/2004 51 4.70 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 2.00 None; Chronic radiation cystitis 2025-01-23 Greg Rutherford New South Wales, Australia 72
1/2008 62 5.40 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Calypso 0.60 None; ED, and bladder cancer 2024-11-01 Greg S. Pennsylvania, USA 79
3/2009 60 4.10 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam Undetec. None 2024-02-04 Greg Swan Virginia, USA 76
03/2014 52 5.50 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; ED 2023-07-02 Greg McKenney Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada 63
02/2021 56 11.90 7a T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Negligible 2023-11-12 Greg N Minnesota, USA 60
04/2020 58 8.10 9 T3b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT Undetec. None 2022-01-10 Greg M Australia 63
5/1991 60 92.00 6 T2c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.10  Passed On - RIP 2011-12-22 Gregg Morrison New South Wales, Australia 94
3/2010 69 7.20 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; None 2024-08-02 Gregory Furey Florida, USA 84
4/2008 62 5.90 9 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 1.59 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); None 2024-11-01 Gregory Williams Virginia, USA 79
4/2005 66 2.14 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 4.50 None 2022-12-08 H Raulston Kentucky, USA 86
2/2006 58 4.40 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.01 None 2024-09-02 HP Lucas Virginia, USA 77
2/2001 63 2.40 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; incontinence and erectile dysfunction 2025-03-01 Harry G Maryland, USA 87
4/1997 58 14.00 5 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + ADT Undetec. None; Slight stress incontinence 2025-03-02 Harry Moore Alberta, Canada 86
08/2015 66 5.00 9 T2c Other / Specify: 0.11 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT; Some erectile dysfunction 2024-05-28 Harry S Western Australia 76
12/2016 60 9.00 8 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + EBRT Unknown None; Minor bladder issues 2022-10-01 Harry M Connecticut, USA 69
09/2017 67 8.20 7a T1c External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 0.38 None; Very, very little ejaculate or none when I orgasm. 2024-01-21 Harry S Massachusetts, USA 75
10/2018 62 3.90 7a T2a Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy - Focal 1.40 None 2025-01-04 Heiner E Arizona, USA 69
11/2009 68 5.29 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.40 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Hot flashes 2020-07-28 Hemant Shah California, USA 84
10/2001 46 14.40 7 T2 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 35.00 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 2023-01-07 Henk VDW Netherlands 70
6/2005 58 6.00 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; no changes 2024-02-08 Henry Crawford Queensland, Australia 78
11/2012 64 4.20 7b T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2024-12-05 Henry F Virginia, USA 77
9/2007 64 3.90 9 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-03-01 Herb Dicker New York, USA 82
02/2012 68 4.40 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam; None 2023-10-02 Homer Paul Florida, USA 81
10/2014 68 5.94 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT; None 2023-09-05 Howard Ross Wisconsin, USA 79
09/2017 77 5.00 8 T2c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT Undetec. None; Osteoporosis 2024-12-28 Howard L California, USA 85
5/2007 71 4.60 6 T1a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.03 None; Very occasional light bleeding. 2024-09-01 Hubert Moog Florida, USA 89
10/2008 54 11.80 6 T2a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.88 External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam; None 2025-02-02 Hugh Armitage Georgia, USA 71
6/2009 57 7.50 7a T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2020-02-01 Hugh J England 73
3/2004 64 8.60 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2018-11-10 Ian Sharpley England 85
8/2005 61 24.00 8 T4M ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.06 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Fatigue 2024-09-01 Ian Vagg Queensland, Australia 81
3/2007 56 19.00 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 152.28 Other / Specify:; None 2025-01-02 Ian Yearwood England 74
02/2017 57 4.00 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-01-01 Ian B Massachusetts, USA 65
01/2021 67 64.00 8 T3a ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.11 None 2021-08-16 Ian Scott England 71
08/2013 49 5.49 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; Bladder neck stricture 2021-12-09 Imtiaz K South Africa 61
10/2008 48 3.40 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 1.01 None 2012-10-04 J McDougall Illinois, USA 65
11/2009 44 2.80 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 5.10 Undecided / Undecided 2022-10-07 J C Idaho, USA 60
11/2014 52 6.50 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minor incontinence 2025-03-05 J W Sweden 63
8/2004 44 27.00 ? T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Unknown None; Nausea, fatigue, sudden jerking of muscles, (legs especially) 2024-03-03 JB W Trinidad 65
11/2011 62 3.58 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; slight incontinence 2024-02-02 JC Thomas Virginia, USA 76
01/2014 52 126.00 7b T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; no change 2024-03-13 JJ W England 63
12/2016 52 4.50 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minor urinary issues, minor ED 2019-12-21 JT Boston Massachusetts, USA 61
5/1990 54 6.00 5 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 14.80 Chemotherapy; Just started my treatments, too early to tell yet. 2020-02-09 Jack Drum Illinois, USA 89
12/1997 63 4.40 9 T1b Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT Undetec. None; incontinence 2024-10-09 Jack Hudspeth Washington, USA 91
11/1997 59 5.60 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / ProstRcision Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2022-08-12 Jack Jennings New Jersey, USA 87
3/2006 49 3.00 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-07-19 Jack Long Florida, USA 68
10/2004 66 6.50 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.04 None; Incontinence 2024-09-01 Jack Ridell California, USA 87
7/2007 67 3.70 8 T2a Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT 0.04 None; slight problem urinating 2019-12-02 Jack Rathert Alaska, USA 85
06/2009 77 800.00 9 ? ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; None 2020-04-21 Jack Assainte New Jersey, USA 93
03/2012 69 7.30 7a T2b External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 0.18 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); None 2022-10-02 Jack D Michigan, USA 82
10/2013 56 7.50 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 6.00 Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance; None 2024-04-01 Jack B Washington, USA 68
3/2010 56 5.98 8 T1c Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy - Focal 25.30 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; fatigue, weakness, unsteadiness, mental fog 2020-01-02 Jake Hannam Maryland, USA 71
5/2006 61 18.90 7a T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT3; Fatigue and side effects from the use of prednisone 2022-06-02 James Edge New Hampshire, USA 80
7/2008 64 5.80 6 T1c Brachytherapy / High Dosage Undetec. None 2024-02-01 James Weidener Florida, USA 81
01/2012 64 5.60 7a T1c External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 0.75 External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated; Mild erectile dysfunction 2024-04-01 James C Georgia, USA 77
02/2011 54 9.10 7a T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2021-01-28 James F Nebraska, USA 68
03/2011 58 1913.00 9 M1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2016-05-10 James W Arkansas, USA 72
02/2022 49 2.80 7a T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy + ADT 2.80 None 2022-02-22 James Samson England 52
12/2015 63 40.00 8 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.50 Other / Specify:; Incontinence ED 2024-07-05 Jay Edwards Louisiana, USA 73
08/2008 51 15.00 7 T2b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 35.50 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Weakness- Tired- Light nausua 2020-09-01 Jeff B Indiana, USA 68
4/2007 61 16.20 7 T2b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2013-04-13 Jeff Franzen California, USA 79
4/2007 46 3.40 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Mild ED, no meds 2024-08-01 Jeff H Colorado, USA 64
10/2005 60 6.29 7a T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 99.30  Passed On - RIP 2014-03-26 Jeff Baker California, USA 80
10/2011 50 3.50 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; Slight ED 2024-05-03 Jeff Woodall England 64
12/2019 58 14.80 6 T1c None 8.00 None 2022-02-03 Jeff F California, USA 64
07/2022 60 942.40 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.24 None 2022-10-23 Jeff G New York, USA 63
02/2022 49 5.20 7 T2b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 5.20 None 2022-03-21 Jeffrey Mitchell Michigan, USA 52
08/2018 71 10.20 7a T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.20 None 2024-07-01 Jerald King Florida, USA 78
4/2009 67 7.80 7 T1c HIFU 6.80 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; None so far 2022-07-30 Jeremy Bacon England 83
4/2006 66 6.00 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Unknown Other / Specify:; none 2020-08-01 Jerome Finnell Idaho, USA 85
8/2007 68 5.20 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with External Beam Undetec. None; Some blood in the urine 2024-09-01 Jerry Sullivan Florida, USA 86
02/2014 65 8.20 7a T2b External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.61 None 2024-12-03 Jerry W Illinois, USA 76
1/2010 69 1000.00 ? T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-07-01 Jim Collyns New Zealand 84
6/2009 56 8.30 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.49 None 2024-12-07 Jim D California, USA 72
2/2001 49 2.80 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Unknown None 2024-08-01 Jim Jauchem Texas, USA 73
11/2007 62 4.50 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy + ADT; incontenance, impotence 2019-12-01 Jim Kotrla Texas, USA 80
6/2000 57 23.00 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 7.00  Passed On - RIP 2020-10-10 Jim Mulcahy New York, USA 82
08/2011 63 5.65 6 T2b HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 0.40 HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound); None 2024-09-01 Jim Wickstrom California, USA 77
04/2012 61 5.30 6 T1a Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Slight incontinence on over exertion. 2025-01-02 Jim P British Columbia, Canada 74
01/2011 56 50.50 9 T4 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.04 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Fatique, hot flashes, some incontinence, zero sex 2024-05-21 Jim E Washington, USA 70
08/2019 64 8.30 7b Unknown External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 8.90 External Beam Radiation+ADT; None so far 2020-10-09 Jim W Kansas, USA 70
5/2008 61 4.20 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy; ED, some urine leakage during cold weather 2020-03-01 Joe Ecker Pennsylvania, USA 78
2/2005 60 7.20 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.01 None 2024-08-01 Joe Hodge Queensland, Australia 80
11/2009 67 5.00 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.70 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; hot flashes/fatigue/low-T/stomachaches 2024-05-20 Joe H North Carolina, USA 83
5/2007 65 12.00 9 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT 1.68  Passed On - RIP 2014-04-02 Joe Mac Hawaii, USA 83
07/2019 47 3.07 6 Unknown External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 None; None 2024-04-11 Joe B Nebraska, USA 53
6/2005 57 7.80 6 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minimal leakage if I have drunk too much fluids 2025-01-07 Johan Meyer South Africa 77
03/2021 60 2.60 8 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED, minor urinary dribble 2024-05-01 John P Florida, USA 64
4/1993 57 6.30 7 T3c Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy Undetec. None; multiple 2024-02-01 John Barna-Lloyd Texas, USA 89
4/2005 68 6.35 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.95 Undecided / Undecided 2023-12-01 John Berkers Ontario, Canada 88
2/2001 65 3.80 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Considerable erectile dysfunction 2024-09-01 John Chandler Virginia, USA 89
5/2002 62 5.00 8 T3 External Beam Radiation+ADT 39.00  Passed On - RIP 2016-02-29 John Farrow Queensland, Australia 85
6/2010 62 5.07 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.03 None; Erectile Dysfunction 2024-09-03 John Ferguson Ontario, Canada 77
7/2006 72 24.00 10 T3 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-08-01 John Hedinare England 91
2/2010 61 47.00 8 T3a External Beam Radiation+ADT Undetec. None; Sex drive non existent 2024-04-01 John Ledwood England 76
10/2002 70 8.00 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2005-04-01 John MacPherson British Columbia, Canada 93
3/2010 60 5.10 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.88 None 2025-02-21 John M New York, USA 75
9/2010 57 3.40 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Ed: need viagra or tri mix injections. 2024-09-01 John Monroe South Carolina, USA 72
3/2010 60 7.50 7 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 0.04 HIFU / Focal HIFU; none 2025-02-01 John McAndrews New York, USA 75
7/2010 62 2.00 7 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-10-01 John P California, USA 77
9/2008 48 158.00 7 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT 2.30 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT; Many 2022-01-17 John Stankus Washington, USA 65
2/2009 70 8.90 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; nothing that causes me worry 2024-11-01 John Sutherland England 86
6/2009 57 4.02 6 T2a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.18 None; None 2023-12-01 John Stevens Washington, USA 73
1/2007 64 4.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-02-01 John Vig New Jersey, USA 82
1/2006 58 22.90 8 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT 0.10 None; Long-term ED, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. 2023-06-01 John Vonhof California, USA 77
10/2010 63 5.60 7a T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 58.00 None; Urinary issues, maybe from enlarged prostate, maybe the cancer. 2024-04-01 John British Columbia, Canada 78
02/2008 62 8.10 8 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2023-07-10 John E New South Wales, Australia 79
12/2012 54 6.90 7a T2c Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-12-01 John W England 67
01/2014 54 7.00 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.04 None; None 2024-09-01 John K Pennsylvania, USA 65
12/2015 45 1.30 6 T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None; ED 2024-12-01 John R Minnesota, USA 55
02/2018 52 4.30 7a T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery; Dementia 2024-06-01 John R Washington, USA 59
07/2018 66 8.82 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2022-12-01 John Fee Texas, USA 73
07/2019 51 8.00 7b T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2020-01-29 John V Colorado, USA 57
08/2020 73 6.82 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 1.00 None 2020-12-04 John F Hawaii, USA 78
02/2021 66 8.50 7b T2b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 2.80 None 2023-10-16 John Walsh Delaware, USA 70
05/2022 71 714.00 Unknown M1b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 109.00 None 2024-10-28 John Henry Oregon, USA 74
03/2024 64 7.20 7b T2c External Beam Radiation+ADT / CyberKnife with ADT Undetec. None 2024-10-10 John R New Jersey, USA 65
01/2013 67 3.20 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 3.85 Other / Specify:; N/A 2024-08-05 JollyRog H Florida, USA 79
11/2013 65 5.70 7 T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.13 None; total impotence, stress incontinence 2025-02-15 Jon R Minnesota, USA 77
08/2016 55 6.80 7a T2b Brachytherapy / High Dosage with External Beam Unknown None; Lack of sleep, lack of intimacy 2024-07-02 Jon G Utah, USA 64
09/2016 50 4.03 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 Surgery; ...just ED 2020-07-14 Jon Turner Florida, USA 59
7/2011 76 15.60 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 167.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Fatigue 2024-10-12 Jonathan M New York, USA 90
2/2002 43 4.70 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.10 None; Leakage 2024-12-01 Jose Agostini the USA 66
12/2011 50 2.80 7a T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.04 None 2025-02-03 Jose A Florida, USA 64
4/2009 75 1892.00 ? T4 Surgery / Orchiectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-03-01 Joseph Wasiak Wisconsin, USA 91
12/2013 56 4.50 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Zero 2024-01-01 Julius G Australia 68
10/2017 57 5.10 9 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.20 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT3; Near term memory loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight 2023-08-05 Jun M Maryland, USA 65
04/2015 64 10.00 Unknown Unknown Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Unknown External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated; none yet 2022-04-09 Jwrhn R Utah, USA 74
10/2010 53 1.50 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2025-02-20 Keith Lindamer New York, USA 68
6/2010 64 373.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-05-01 Kelvin Chalkley Greece 79
3/2005 64 10.90 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-11-11 Ken Hancock South Australia, Australia 84
9/2006 54 3.70 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Stress Incontinance, Impotence 2024-03-01 Ken Simon the USA 73
12/2011 55 38.00 9 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 1.40  Passed On - RIP 2012-05-01 Ken S Texas, USA 69
05/2011 54 5.74 8 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Erectile dysfunction 2024-09-02 Ken B California, USA 68
04/2000 61 12.39 9 T3b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT 450.00  Passed On - RIP 2016-08-02 Ken Mitchell Florida, USA 86
01/2020 70 14.70 9 T1c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT 0.13 None; None 2024-01-03 Ken T Texas, USA 75
1/2009 59 53.00 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 4.12 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Some skin rash 2024-12-01 Kenneth Horn New Hampshire, USA 75
4/2007 51 4.80 7 T2b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.03 None 2024-12-07 Kenneth Wilson Oregon, USA 69
03/2016 72 7.00 Unknown Unknown No Diagnosis 112.00 None 2021-03-28 Kenneth Ridgeway England 81
03/2018 63 422.00 10 Unknown Chemotherapy / Taxotere 0.10 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); weight gain and NERVE DAMAGE TO LOWER EXTREMITIES, FEET, ETC from chemo 2019-11-29 Kenneth Domenosky Wisconsin, USA 70
10/2010 50 3.90 7 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 0.40 None; None 2024-11-02 Kevin Mc Washington, USA 65
1/2005 50 206.60 9 T3 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2008-11-01 Kevin Reeder Iowa, USA 70
08/2012 55 3.40 6 T2a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 7.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 2020-05-01 Kevin McLaughlin Maryland, USA 68
03/2016 51 2.30 9 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.11 None; fatigue, low libido, stress incontinence 2025-02-19 Kevin Connor Ontario, Canada 60
05/2011 72 6.31 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None 2020-02-03 Killean A Ontario, Canada 86
6/2009 62 5.20 9 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.43 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; insomnia, no libido, and weight gain 2024-11-24 L Anon Minnesota, USA 78
11/2013 66 6.20 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2022-07-01 L G New York, USA 78
06/2013 65 5.80 9 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT Undetec. None; The usual side effects of surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. 2024-12-02 L N England 77
9/2007 65 4.60 9 T3a Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT 1.00 Other / Specify:; Fatigue 2023-09-03 Larry Nebel California, USA 83
04/2016 56 0.00 Unknown Unknown External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2016-09-13 Larry F Alabama, USA 65
02/2020 58 4.40 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 1.00 None 2020-06-23 Larry Stewart North Carolina, USA 63
04/2015 69 30.00 Unknown Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 84.00 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Hot flashes, fatigue, dizzy and out of breath 2024-09-02 Laurence Staff Scotland 79
10/2007 57 4.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-05-01 Lee Pullen California, USA 75
03/2012 64 4.40 9 T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 2.60  Passed On - RIP 2020-05-23 Lee Gallagher Queensland, Australia 77
05/2005 67 1.46 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.53 None 2020-01-07 Lee Gemmill Pennsylvania, USA 87
6/2005 57 10.70 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-10-01 Len Airey Queensland, Australia 77
4/1996 56 14.00 4 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 189.00  Passed On - RIP 2020-09-01 Lenny Hirsch Israel 85
10/2009 75 4.50 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Unknown None; None 2025-03-02 Leo Crowley Canada 91
02/2018 63 10.90 7b T2b External Beam Radiation 0.74 None 2020-03-06 Lino Greco Quebec, Canada 70
5/2005 61 1.40 6 T2b Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 2.03 External Beam Radiation+ADT / CyberKnife with ADT; weakness from the ADT meds Orgovyx relugolix 2024-03-04 Lloyd L Washington, USA 81
08/2013 57 36.00 7 Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.40 None 2018-04-01 Lou S Missouri, USA 69
09/2015 57 154.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 548.00  Passed On - RIP 2020-06-01 Louis H Kansas, USA 67
9/2008 46 4.81 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.70 None; None 2024-08-05 M P Virginia, USA 63
07/2007 67 5.80 7b T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.20 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); None 2024-08-02 Malcolm Douglas Western Australia 85
6/2009 54 5.10 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2023-10-01 Marc Jordan West Virginia, USA 70
03/2023 69 195.00 9 Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 32.40 None 2023-06-01 Mario Marelli Italy 71
6/2009 48 5.40 5 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED and occassional mild incontinence 2025-02-01 Mark Campagna Pennsylvania, USA 64
5/2008 54 4.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2024-11-03 Mark B California, USA 71
03/2010 54 5.80 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-07-11 Mark Freedkin California, USA 69
09/2006 48 5.10 7b T2a External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 7.70 Chemotherapy 2024-10-15 Mark D New South Wales, Australia 67
10/2017 64 25.00 7 Unknown External Beam Radiation 6.00 None 2021-12-29 Mark Allyn Washington, USA 72
03/2012 66 49.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 262.00  Passed On - RIP 2015-07-26 Marshall Mullins Colorado, USA 79
10/2005 49 2.10 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 3.10 None; None 2025-02-03 Martin B Tennessee, USA 69
10/2010 65 2.50 7a T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.60 None; None 2024-04-23 Martin W Florida, USA 80
06/2015 64 35.20 7a T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.90 None 2024-10-01 Marvin S Kansas, USA 74
02/2014 55 4.30 7b T2b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 2.20 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Almost nothing? 2025-01-06 Matt M British Columbia, Canada 66
3/2011 70 3.40 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant 0.06 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 2025-03-02 Mazharul Huq Delaware, USA 84
09/2015 45 4.20 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2019-12-03 Melvin S Virginia, USA 55
12/2005 66 8.70 8 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. None 2025-03-01 Melvin G Arizona, USA 86
06/2013 44 51.00 7b T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 1.00 None; Pain, fatigue, depression 2024-04-01 Melvin Mahan Jr Maryland, USA 56
04/2002 50 11.80 9 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2013-06-07 Merle Pinnekamp Maryland, USA 73
8/2009 53 6.00 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. None; I have trouble maintaining an erection. 2024-02-01 Michael Drummond Nova Scotia, Canada 69
10/2011 63 5.90 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; incontinence, ED 2022-10-07 Michael Hall Kentucky, USA 77
7/2008 47 4.91 6 T2a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.40 None 2024-12-02 Michael S South Carolina, USA 64
2/2006 55 3.30 9 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.01 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Hot flashes 2024-10-08 Michael Shannon Queensland, Australia 74
12/2006 59 4.70 7a T1c Other / Specify: Unknown Other / Specify:; Wellness 2024-04-02 Michael Lazarchick New Jersey, USA 78
05/2015 55 4.70 7a T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minor 2024-02-04 Michael B Canada 65
03/2016 66 6.30 7b T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Fatigue, joint pain. 2020-05-01 Michael Rust South Australia, Australia 75
08/2018 71 4020.00 Unknown Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.03 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Fatigue, occasional dizziness, lack of energy, gynaecomastia. 2024-12-07 Michael D England 78
11/2007 57 16.40 7a T2b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 14.90 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Tiredness 2024-06-01 Michael Priday Other Location 75
1/2008 52 0.90 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.40 Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance; none 2024-12-09 Mick Smith England 69
8/2008 53 4.60 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-09-01 Mike C Canada 70
11/2009 67 4.95 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Erectile dysfunction. Handled by tri mix 2025-03-02 Mike C Ohio, USA 83
10/2010 51 3.60 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; minimal ED 2023-12-01 Mike Dr Michigan, USA 66
10/2011 54 5.20 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None 2024-09-01 Mike G Maryland, USA 68
8/2011 49 4.60 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-03-04 Mike I Massachusetts, USA 63
1/2006 60 5.50 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.70 Other / Specify:; None 2024-11-01 Mike Keith Massachusetts, USA 79
12/2008 47 1500.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-03-01 Mike L Wisconsin, USA 64
12/2006 61 3.43 6 T2 HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 1.64 None; None 2018-09-01 Mike P England 80
3/2008 46 5.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ADT side effects 2024-07-21 Mike Raymond Louisiana, USA 63
10/2011 61 5.00 7a T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with ADT 0.85 None; none 2025-03-02 Mike H British Columbia, Canada 75
11/2011 46 34.00 8 T4M1b ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2013-11-02 Mike M Louisiana, USA 60
08/2007 55 29.00 8 T1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.29 None; N/A 2024-11-27 Mike R Florida, USA 73
02/2012 60 4.50 6 T1c Other / Specify: 0.30 Brachytherapy; none noticeable 2020-02-01 Mike Leen California, USA 73
11/2017 63 11.29 7b Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Chemotherapy / Zytiga (Abiraterone); No side effects 2024-07-02 Mike M Texas, USA 71
10/2016 57 5.13 7b T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-03-10 Mike J Virginia, USA 66
4/2009 57 5.03 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2023-08-05 Mikey S Wyoming, USA 73
04/2015 54 20.80 7b T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Fatigue, brain fog, muscle loss, joint pain 2024-06-01 Mitch T Arizona, USA 64
01/2011 58 236.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 200.00  Passed On - RIP 2018-07-02 Morton B South Africa 72
06/2020 66 5.60 7b T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.22 None 2021-10-12 My J New York, USA 71
4/2010 46 0.79 6 T2a Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy; minor incontinence 2022-05-15 Ned G California, USA 61
07/2018 69 7.21 7a Unknown Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; Unable to achieve complete erection. Sildenafil is helpful in the regard. 2025-02-11 Ned Maher Colorado, USA 76
11/2012 60 273.00 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 377.00  Passed On - RIP 2015-02-15 Neil M New York, USA 73
08/2018 65 9.00 8 T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT Undetec. None 2023-09-01 Neil S Virginia, USA 72
7/2007 56 5.40 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 None; EDF 2025-03-01 Nick Perich Pennsylvania, USA 74
01/2012 59 27.00 9 T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.05 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; As before 2024-08-01 Nick C England 72
12/2014 48 10.50 7b T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None; mild erectile issues 2020-01-23 Nick P England 59
08/2020 68 238.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Unknown None 2020-10-02 Nisarahmed Shaikh India 73
11/2011 77 24.00 9 T4 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.03 None 2020-04-01 OddPod P Australia 91
06/2006 63 93.00 8 Unknown Non-Invasive / Alternative Medicine Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2014-02-16 Oscar Crawford Jr California, USA 82
3/2004 52 9.00 6 T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Celibate 2025-02-14 P J Michigan, USA 73
01/2012 53 4.50 7a T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery 2019-11-26 P Carr New York, USA 66
09/2014 57 6.10 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy; Ed. Incontinence 2024-06-01 Pablo Salas Maryland, USA 68
3/2006 48 433.00 ? T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2007-12-01 Pas Grech Victoria, Australia 67
7/2010 76 8.00 7a T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with ADT Unknown None 2024-09-02 Patrick Callahan California, USA 91
12/2009 62 5.50 9 T3a External Beam Radiation+ADT 1.30 None 2020-03-01 Patrick Turner Australia 78
12/2023 68 6.40 7a T2a Uncommon/Unconventional 2.45 Uncommon/Unconventional 2024-11-30 Patrick Murray New Jersey, USA 70
12/2023 68 6.40 7a T2a Uncommon/Unconventional 3.30 None 2024-11-30 Patrick Murray New Jersey, USA 70
11/2011 52 3.30 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. Brachytherapy / Seed Implant 2021-10-04 Paul Howarth Nevada, USA 66
8/2004 44 10.40 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy + ADT Unknown None; Getting old and fat 2023-11-02 Paul McArthur Florida, USA 65
5/2009 51 362.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-01-01 Paul S England 67
04/2013 57 8.50 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-01-01 Paul G New York, USA 69
01/2014 50 6.00 7a T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Fatigue, hot flushes, ED 2025-03-05 Paul Carpenter Georgia, USA 61
08/2012 54 6.20 7a T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.03 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); None 2025-01-28 Paul Martin England 67
07/2008 64 3.99 7b T2a Other / Specify: 2.16 Other / Specify:; None 2024-10-05 Paul Mizue Hawaii, USA 81
05/2017 69 14.60 7a T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Penile shrinkge; mild incontinence and frequency 2024-03-24 Paul P Michigan, USA 77
08/2017 50 4.40 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Psychological 2024-01-02 Paul Matthews New South Wales, Australia 58
09/2019 72 55.00 7b T2c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.58 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Very few, some pain in the hips at night 2023-01-25 Paul G. Quebec, Canada 78
05/2015 47 67.45 7b T3b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT 14.70 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Loss of libido, fatigue, hot flushes/flashes, weight gain 2024-03-01 Paul C England 57
12/2017 70 2.40 8 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None; incontinence 2024-08-15 Paul Surface Massachusetts, USA 78
06/2016 61 26.00 9 T3a Surgery / Orchiectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2017-05-06 Paul-Jan Brans Netherlands 70
11/2012 56 5.60 7 T2c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT 0.04 None 2024-10-04 Peet S Florida, USA 69
1/2007 66 13.10 9 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; side effects last listed continue 2024-09-01 Pete A Texas, USA 84
9/2007 74 5.10 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Unknown None; None 2020-01-01 Pete Donaldson Texas, USA 92
03/2007 59 5.00 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.56 None; ED, Slight stress incontinence 2024-09-01 Pete P Washington, USA 77
7/2010 64 4.30 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.00 None; None 2024-10-01 Peter Avitabile Massachusetts, USA 79
3/2009 63 5.90 7 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT 1.90 None; NIL 2020-03-01 Peter Boon England 79
8/2004 50 13.40 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED, small bladder capacity 2024-10-01 Peter Cassidy Massachusetts, USA 71
8/2008 67 9.77 7 T1c External Beam Radiation Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2015-02-03 Peter Dunning Spain 84
12/2007 65 1121.00 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2018-04-28 Peter EB England 83
11/2005 59 8.10 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2025-01-01 Peter Hill Victoria, Australia 79
4/2011 61 41.30 8 T3b External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.22 None 2023-12-01 Peter Higgs England 75
9/2003 69 57.00 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2008-06-01 Peter Michaelis England 91
3/2007 57 5.20 7 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 1.01 None; None 2024-11-07 Peter Wenz Illinois, USA 75
03/2013 53 15.30 6 T1b Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.10 Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 2024-03-18 Peter L Australia 65
10/2014 64 9.70 8 T2a Other / Specify: 0.80 Uncommon/Unconventional; none 2025-01-01 Peter Kerr Western Australia 75
04/2013 66 14.90 10 T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT 0.08  Passed On - RIP 2018-08-25 Peter Renwick Queensland, Australia 78
08/2016 56 58.95 7a T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2.46 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Bone and Hip Pain, night sweats 2025-01-08 Peter G Minnesota, USA 65
5/2010 54 4.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-02-17 Phillip Popp Kansas, USA 69
03/2022 65 12.00 Unknown Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 12.00 None 2022-04-10 Pierre Jevon South Africa 68
02/2024 77 34.00 9 M1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Unknown None 2024-04-03 Pildorin S Texas, USA 78
10/2006 46 63.00 7 T4M1 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-03-01 Pradeep Raj India 65
1/1998 76 11.00 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2000-07-01 Private Gentleman the USA 103
3/2002 62 3.30 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2020-03-02 Ralph Besnoy North Carolina, USA 85
02/2018 64 4.70 7b T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minor urine leaking, and some bowel urgency. 2025-03-01 Ralph D Michigan, USA 71
8/2004 54 36.00 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / ProstRcision 1.10 None 2024-04-12 Randall Lee Indiana, USA 75
9/2007 65 31.00 7 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2023-11-01 Ray Lovelace Oklahoma, USA 83
6/2006 55 34.00 9 T2c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT 9.80  Passed On - RIP 2012-07-15 Ray Stingray Victoria, Australia 74
08/2014 71 5.77 7a Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2.66 Other / Specify: 2023-04-01 Ray L North Carolina, USA 82
06/2015 50 5.00 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-06-09 Ray N Georgia, USA 60
04/2013 55 5.20 9 T3a External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.01 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Gynecomastia, no libido. That\'s about it. 2023-07-19 Redwing 57 Tennessee, USA 67
3/2009 67 13.60 8 T3 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.99 Chemotherapy / Zytiga (Abiraterone); Mild fatigue. 2024-04-03 Reed A New Mexico, USA 83
6/2010 68 1450.00 9 T1a ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2012-04-06 Reg Bosley Queensland, Australia 83
10/2006 54 3.90 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.26 None 2024-12-03 Reinhard Poller California, USA 73
01/2013 64 3.83 8 Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 1.14 None; Fatigue, anemia, Chronic Kidney Disease, impotence 2020-01-01 Rich Greene Ohio, USA 76
04/2014 67 790.00 7b T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2016-01-01 Rich N Nevada, USA 78
9/2004 53 4.90 6 T2a Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2025-01-20 Richard B England 74
7/2005 53 6.06 6 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; some 2023-01-01 Richard Bercuson Ontario, Canada 73
2/1998 60 4.40 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 11.00 None; Pee 5 times/night 2020-09-01 Richard Cross California, USA 87
4/2007 68 4.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-08-01 Richard Johnsen California, USA 86
8/2004 57 4.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.10 None; The surgery was bad. 2023-06-04 Richard Perbix Minnesota, USA 78
8/2009 55 0.60 6 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-08-12 Richard Phelan Western Australia 71
12/2008 63 2000.00 10 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-01-01 Richard Skey California, USA 80
09/2008 52 136.00 7b T3b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 2.19 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; Intermittent weight gain and fatigue 2024-03-03 Richard Stanton Florida, USA 69
09/2015 69 4.80 7a Unknown Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; nothing new 2024-03-03 Richard Schweid Spain 79
05/2021 73 31.00 7b Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 Undetec. External Beam Radiation+ADT; hot flashes, fatigue 2023-11-01 Richard K Colorado, USA 77
11/2001 54 20.40 8 T3b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.04 Undecided / Undecided; none 2024-09-01 Rick Durbin Massachusetts, USA 78
2/2009 58 4.10 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 0.10 None; None 2024-11-02 Rick S Arizona, USA 74
07/2019 62 5.60 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2025-02-01 Rick B Ontario, Canada 68
09/2015 75 4.20 7 Unknown External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.97 External Beam Radiation; Radiation Proctitis 2024-03-13 Rip S Texas, USA 85
4/2004 51 252.00 9 T3a External Beam Radiation+ADT 26.00  Passed On - RIP 2015-09-17 Rob MacRob England 72
7/2005 48 0.80 6 T2a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.30 None; none 2024-03-02 Rob Simon Missouri, USA 68
4/2011 54 3.96 6 T2c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with External Beam 0.01 External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated; most are gone now. Still have a little urinary urgency once in a while. 2025-03-03 Robert Dean Florida, USA 68
4/2008 63 127.00 ? T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2009-09-01 Robert Ellis Maryland, USA 80
11/2009 55 10.00 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 31.00 Other / Specify:; none 2024-03-31 Robert E New Mexico, USA 71
5/2003 47 6.40 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; minor urine leakage 2024-07-31 Robert Goodwin New York, USA 69
9/2007 54 3.80 6 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Undetec. None; none 2024-09-01 Robert K Kentucky, USA 72
1/2006 52 5.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-11-03 Robert S Connecticut, USA 71
12/2009 72 0.30 7 T2a Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with ADT 0.10 None; I am having a small amount of Feral Incontinence 2024-06-03 Robert Wallace Virginia, USA 88
6/2010 48 6.90 7 T1c External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 1.70 None; Incontinence, bladder stones, ED 2022-10-03 Robert Wright Nevada, USA 63
05/2004 62 6.20 6 Unknown HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Unknown None; None 2025-02-01 Robert Middleton South Australia, Australia 83
12/2009 56 7.40 7b T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT; none 2025-01-30 Robert Mc Connecticut, USA 72
09/2021 68 16.00 7b T2c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT Undetec. None 2023-06-11 Roberto Teixeira Brazil 72
12/2017 62 7.10 Unknown Unknown Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 5.89 None 2020-07-01 Robin R Florida, USA 70
03/2009 66 4.65 7 T2C External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2024-03-27 Rodger K Arkansas, USA 82
10/2009 67 4.60 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 7.86 Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance; none 2024-02-01 Roger Carnell Indiana, USA 83
7/2007 42 1.52 7 T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED 2024-05-01 Roger Grondin Ontario, Canada 60
2/2005 63 42.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 30.10  Passed On - RIP 2012-10-30 Roger Jaeger Illinois, USA 83
7/2007 69 322.70 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2007-12-01 Roger Woods Maryland, USA 87
09/2020 64 40.00 7 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.12 None; Radiation damage to bladder causes blood in urine 2024-05-05 Roger L Florida, USA 69
10/2008 62 13.10 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Unknown None; N/A 2024-10-01 Ron Cooper California, USA 79
6/2002 59 2.20 7 ? Non-Invasive / Alternative Medicine Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-07-01 Ron Hard Texas, USA 82
8/2007 41 4.10 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; pretty much none 2023-12-01 Ron J Arizona, USA 59
10/2010 61 3.70 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; incontinence 2024-10-01 Ron Johnson Michigan, USA 76
12/2007 68 4.00 9 T3a Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT 0.01 None; Erectile dysfunction amd occasional hot flushes 2023-10-09 Ron Murphy Queensland, Australia 86
11/2006 61 3.80 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-03-01 Ron Miller Ohio, USA 80
10/2010 71 10.20 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Heat flashes near zero. 2025-02-01 Ron Shaffer Arizona, USA 86
11/2008 64 8.50 6 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 1.00  Passed On - RIP 2022-11-04 Ron T Colorado, USA 81
03/2012 54 9.20 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.06 None; ED 2024-09-01 Ron S Oklahoma, USA 67
08/2010 54 2.90 7a T2c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-10-01 Ron From Boston Massachusetts, USA 69
11/2016 44 948.00 10 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec. ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; fatigue 2020-03-01 Ron A Denmark 53
03/2000 54 7.00 7 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with EB and ADT Undetec. None 2022-07-07 Ron Cannon Georgia, USA 79
04/2022 64 11.00 9 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.09 None; None 2024-05-01 Ron O Australia 67
12/2012 72 518.28 8 Unknown ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 30000.00  Passed On - RIP 2016-08-11 Roni RS Indonesia 85
5/2008 61 6.10 7 T2a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-09-04 Ronnie Cassell North Carolina, USA 78
1/1994 65 6.80 7 T2b Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2014-02-23 Roy Bradbrooke Virginia, USA 96
7/2008 72 7000.00 10 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2019-06-01 Roy White Western Australia 89
12/2005 59 5.65 6 T1c Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None; Incontinence and Impotence 2020-02-07 Rudy E Florida, USA 79
03/2018 53 4.00 7b T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.02 None; I have minor incontinence leakage 2023-12-01 Rudy Carter Florida, USA 60
10/2007 54 27.50 7 T1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2009-08-01 Rupert D England 72
04/2014 54 5.40 7a T2c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-01-23 Russ G Iowa, USA 65
1/2001 50 5.20 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-10-01 Russell Windle Texas, USA 74
08/2010 58 6.00 9 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 2.00 None 2020-02-12 SV h California, USA 73
3/2008 75 3.80 8 T2 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; loss of body hair. 2020-05-21 Salty Clark Texas, USA 92
10/2010 68 11.00 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; erectile dystunction 2012-06-01 Sam Bing California, USA 83
11/2002 67 7.50 6 T1c External Beam Radiation 20.10 External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam; Minor incontinence, 2024-03-01 Sam Fullerton Canada 90
10/2018 53 7.00 7 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.30 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy; ED; hot flashes; fatigue 2023-02-01 Sam C Arizona, USA 60
04/2017 50 6.30 6 Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2019-12-16 Sammy B North Carolina, USA 58
10/2012 62 7.80 7b T1c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with External Beam 0.10 None; No incontinence. ED treated with blue pills. 2024-01-30 Sandy D North Carolina, USA 75
09/2012 54 4.58 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Undetec. None; none 2024-04-05 Sandy Ceed Ontario, Canada 67
3/2009 50 4.80 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED and IC 2025-01-30 Scot Kinnaman Missouri, USA 66
2/2008 48 6.93 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.88 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT; Fatigue, insomnia, 2024-05-31 Scott Anderson Washington, USA 65
12/2007 47 3.60 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / ProstRcision Undetec. None 2024-11-12 Scott Hearn Georgia, USA 65
3/2011 46 7.00 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with External Beam 0.01 None; ED 2024-03-02 Scott Rush Florida, USA 60
10/2012 55 5.10 9 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT; Increase urgency and low libido 2024-11-01 Scott B Washington, USA 68
10/2014 57 5.50 7a T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. None 2023-12-01 Scott M California, USA 68
04/2015 45 7.80 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2020-01-01 Scott Farley Illinois, USA 55
10/2018 50 3.70 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Minor incontinence 2025-03-01 Scott R California, USA 57
6/2005 50 15.77 7 T2b Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-09-02 Scotty Allen Ontario, Canada 70
06/2017 66 90.00 8 Unknown External Beam Radiation+ADT 0.26 None 2023-01-09 Sergio O Florida, USA 74
03/2016 67 5.11 6 T1a External Beam Radiation / Proton Beam 0.28 None; None 2025-03-03 Shade Tree Nevada, USA 76
10/2012 59 8.19 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Unknown None; None 2024-03-08 Simon B England 72
02/2015 68 11.70 9 T2c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec. None; Impotence 2024-11-01 Sisira Ramanayake Sri Lanka 78
07/2011 68 7.40 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 0.70 None; none 2024-03-01 Skip G Florida, USA 82
08/2014 48 5.60 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2024-04-04 Skip W Texas, USA 59
07/2013 83 43.00 7a T1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / Monotherapy 5.20  Passed On - RIP 2020-06-01 Sol L New Jersey, USA 95
12/2010 56 4.30 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Unknown None; None 2024-03-01 Star Gazer New Zealand 71
3/2010 49 5.60 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 0.07 None 2025-02-01 Stephen Dugdale Florida, USA 64
08/2013 74 5.00 7a T2c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Undetec. HIFU / Focal HIFU; none 2020-05-01 Stephen Z New York, USA 86
6/2007 61 19.80 6 T1c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Unknown Uncommon/Unconventional 2022-09-10 Steve Taylor Thailand 79
2/2007 55 9.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2010-09-01 Steve Berg New Jersey, USA 73
10/2008 40 41.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 135.83 Chemotherapy; Neuropathy, back pain, lethargic, muscle loss. 2022-04-02 Steve B Washington, USA 57
4/2008 49 6.70 6 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Occasional small urinary leaks 2024-10-01 Steve Call Massachusetts, USA 66
6/2007 51 12.60 7 T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ed 2024-05-02 Steve S Montana, USA 69
8/2009 54 9.70 8 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 0.04 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Tiredness hot flashes 2025-01-01 Steve S Japan 70
5/2007 58 2.50 6 T2a Uncommon/Unconventional / Cryotherapy - Focal 0.44 External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated; Some loss of erectile function 2024-05-01 Steve Z Maine, USA 76
01/2012 71 7.80 8 T2a External Beam Radiation+ADT / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.40 None; ED 2020-06-02 Steve Lyons Massachusetts, USA 84
04/2014 65 5.80 7b Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-03-01 Steve L Florida, USA 76
01/2015 52 110.80 9 T3b External Beam Radiation 0.02 Other / Specify:; no problems with PSA 2025-03-01 Steve Dinnen England 62
06/2024 73 12.00 9 Unknown Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + EBRT 12.00 None 2024-08-24 Steve Long Arizona, USA 74
11/2008 53 3.90 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED, occasional incontinence. 2024-02-02 Steven K Arizona, USA 70
5/2008 57 0.10 6 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Leakage 2024-03-04 Steven Snyder Maryland, USA 74
1/2006 57 7.54 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + EBRT 12.36 Chemotherapy / Taxotere; Hair lost, crap taste after 5th day, slight fatigue 2020-03-01 Stu Crawford Italy 76
11/2011 71 4.20 - Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance Unknown None; None 2024-08-03 Sun Dog Florida, USA 85
9/2007 60 9.90 7 T1c HIFU / HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 0.50 HIFU; urethral stricture 2024-12-13 T V Saskatchewan, Canada 78
11/2004 58 10.40 6 T1b Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. None; None 2024-10-06 T Wa00 Germany 79
03/2012 54 25.10 7b Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.30 None 2024-02-01 T G England 67
5/2011 66 5.70 7a T2c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 0.96 External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT; Occasional blood in stools. eg during 3 weeks of June, 2024. 2025-01-01 T Michael Poxon Pennsylvania, USA 80
8/2008 49 3.00 7 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 0.20 None; none 2024-01-04 TJ Reed Texas, USA 66
8/1996 54 7.20 7a T2b Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 24.90  Passed On - RIP 2014-08-06 Terry Herbert Victoria, Australia 83
6/2002 62 15.90 7 T2 External Beam Radiation Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2013-11-01 Terry Spence South Australia, Australia 85
4/2007 60 8.70 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant with External Beam Undetec. None; None 2024-11-06 Terry Wagoner Michigan, USA 78
03/2016 64 2.80 6 Unknown Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.90 Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance; None 2024-09-16 Terry Allen Texas, USA 73
01/2019 61 8.90 7b T3a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.10 Undecided / Undecided; Incontinence, ED still2024, bleeding, nephrostomy tubes, bladder removal 2024-03-03 Terry Sweet North Carolina, USA 67
6/2009 40 20.20 10 T4 Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-09-12 Tim Barber Arizona, USA 56
3/2011 55 5.60 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; E D . Constantly needing to urinate makes it hard at functions 2020-03-03 Tim Briggs North Carolina, USA 69
5/2003 47 4.59 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.46 External Beam Radiation; Some ED and urinary issues 2025-02-07 Tim Canney Georgia, USA 69
6/2009 50 9.70 7 T1c External Beam Radiation+ADT / Proton Beam with ADT 7.90 None; ED, now on FloMax 2025-03-02 Tim Castleman California, USA 66
9/2009 48 4.50 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 1.00 None; NA 2025-03-02 Tim Godfrey South Africa 64
2/2003 55 6.90 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. Brachytherapy / Seed Implant; None 2025-01-01 Tim Hillen Oklahoma, USA 77
8/2008 50 375.00 8 D2 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2011-01-01 Tim Keeffer Wisconsin, USA 67
09/2012 47 5.50 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.04 None; None 2024-11-01 Tim H Oklahoma, USA 60
07/2014 60 12.00 7a T1a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy 220.00 Other / Specify:; None 2025-01-01 Tim Milligan Norway 71
7/2002 51 46.00 7 T2 Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Unknown  Passed On - RIP 2019-02-17 Timothy Hotujec Wisconsin, USA 74
6/2006 42 3216.12 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.01 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 2024-01-09 Todd Seals Washington, USA 61
02/2012 61 55.00 8 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2 125.00  Passed On - RIP 2019-04-06 Tom I Florida, USA 74
01/2012 63 8.10 7a Unknown Brachytherapy / High Dosage 0.10 Brachytherapy / High Dosage; NoneAllm 2025-01-01 Tom Gomes California, USA 76
8/2007 59 5.80 6 T1c Brachytherapy / Seed Implant Undetec. Brachytherapy / Seed Implant; none 2024-12-02 Tom C Pennsylvania, USA 77
5/2007 65 3.90 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED and mild incontinence 2024-10-01 Tom Dillon Texas, USA 83
1/1996 58 110.00 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 264.00  Passed On - RIP 2014-06-02 Tom Johnson Florida, USA 87
2/2008 53 21.80 7 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Erectile dysfunction 2024-10-01 Tom Lisett England 70
5/2009 64 5.70 6 T1c External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated with ADT 0.04 None; Terrible, from additional surgeries (tumt, turp). Impotent, incontinent. 2020-02-01 Tom L Illinois, USA 80
10/2007 55 10.50 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2023-10-01 Tom Sullivan Massachusetts, USA 73
6/2010 45 4.68 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2024-06-23 Tom Z Minnesota, USA 60
04/2013 51 6.40 8 T2a Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None 2025-02-01 Tom Diessner Colorado, USA 63
10/2019 48 4.60 7a T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Only 3/4 to an inch penis shortening 2023-09-05 Tom S New York, USA 54
06/2020 65 9.50 7b T3b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Unknown None 2020-11-29 Tom C. California, USA 70
6/2009 64 7.00 6 T1c Surgery / Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.01 None; Erectile disfunction - from since the op, knew this was the price! 2024-09-02 Tony Arrowsmith England 80
9/2006 65 5.01 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2025-01-04 Tony Fantillo British Columbia, Canada 84
5/2007 52 12.20 6 T1c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 1.40 Other / Specify:; None 2024-09-05 Tony Ryan Thailand 70
05/2016 58 4.40 7 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.30 Undecided / Undecided 2024-11-15 Tony P Maryland, USA 67
12/2018 70 11.50 9 T3b External Beam Radiation+ADT Undetec. None; Strictures from 45 fractions of IMRT 2025-01-27 Touchdown H Minnesota, USA 77
01/2016 65 8.30 7b Unknown Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 3.40 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone); Sweats, pain in stomach 2024-12-14 Trevor Fearnley New South Wales, Australia 74
12/1999 59 4212.00 7 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) Undetec.  Passed On - RIP 2009-08-01 Trueman Seamans Maine, USA 85
08/2018 62 37.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 1.20 None 2020-05-16 Turan H California, USA 69
12/2009 68 36.00 9 T4 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 57.00  Passed On - RIP 2014-12-19 Valerio Longone New Zealand 84
02/2016 65 4.70 7 Unknown Other / Specify: 0.38 Other / Specify:; none 2024-10-13 Valery Krukov Australia 74
02/2016 60 4.27 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; Slight ED and occasionally very minor urinary incontinence (drop or 2) 2025-03-01 Victor L Arizona, USA 69
04/2014 60 4.50 7a Unknown External Beam Radiation / Intensity Modulated 0.66 None; ED 2024-11-01 Vinny M Texas, USA 71
02/2015 54 5.00 6 T1c Brachytherapy Undetec. None 2021-03-07 Virgil N Texas, USA 64
04/2012 52 4.30 7a T2c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. External Beam Radiation; Hematuria - occasional blood in urine from thin skin in bladder from radiation 2019-12-21 Wally Anonymous California, USA 65
05/2012 49 2.80 6 T2c Non-Invasive / Active Surveillance 3.03 None; none 2024-09-02 Walt Green New York, USA 62
12/2005 61 5.60 6 T1c Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; incontinemce (treated); impotence (treated); anal pain on orgasm 2024-10-18 Wayne W Colorado, USA 81
8/2007 59 4.00 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 0.60 None; Increased incontinence 2024-07-01 Wayne S New Jersey, USA 77
11/2014 62 4.60 7a T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; ED, very occasional leakage 2025-01-01 Will B South Carolina, USA 73
10/2013 53 38.00 8 T2c Brachytherapy / High Dosage with EB and ADT Undetec. None 2024-05-01 Will S Georgia, USA 65
12/2019 60 98.00 7 T2c ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) 0.14 ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) / ADT2; Sweats occasional mood swings 2024-10-27 Will M Arizona, USA 66
7/2009 57 3.90 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; none 2024-09-06 Wolf U Michigan, USA 73
06/2012 54 4.03 6 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 3.02 None; none 2024-10-08 Zorro Ziervogel South Africa 67
11/2014 51 5.70 6 T2b Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. None; None 2019-12-12 mrcyz10 M Colorado, USA 62
04/2018 59 4.60 7 T1c Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Undetec. Surgery / Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy + ADT 2023-03-01 sharpcut Keith New York, USA 66
06/2009 68 9.70 9 T3a Surgery / Retropubic Prostatectomy + RT + ADT 0.12 None; Problem urinating I have to use catheter 2024-07-01 wlobo135 Bocian New South Wales, Australia 84

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