Sam C and Colleen live in Arizona, USA. He was 53 when he was diagnosed in October, 2018. His initial PSA was 7.00 ng/ml, his Gleason Score was 7, and he was staged Unknown. His initial treatment choice was Surgery (Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) and his current treatment choice is ADT-Androgen Deprivation (Hormone) (Monotherapy). Here is his story.
I had removal surgery in December 2018. The biopsy showed the cancer had spread, so I then went through two months of external beam radiation in the summer of 2019. The subsequent blood test showed my PSA stair casing upwards, showing that the prostate cancer had spread and the doctor said it was now stage four with no cure. I have been on Lupron hormone therapy for the last year or so. So far it has been Keeping my PSA level or even down. My doctor says this is buying us time until a cure can be found. For a while I was in a funk and letting my health go. But ever since Easter 2021 my wife and I have been in our health program to lose weight and we have a much better mindset.
My doctor took me off Lupron over Summer 2022. It was a nice break, but my PSA doubled, so he has me back on it and it brought the PSA back down to .30. We check it every 6 weeks.
Sam's e-mail address is: sam AT (replace "AT" with "@")