HIFU (Sonablate) performed 10/28/2013 in Nassau, Bahamas by Dr. Daniel Lowe and Dr. George Suarez. PSA has been undetectable since the procedure. I've experienced no urinary incontinence. I had ED for two months post HIFU and since then no ED whatsoever. Bottom line: no side effects. I continue to have PSA tested every six months. So far, so good.
It is now three years & three months after HIFU. PSA is 0. No side effects. I get PSA tested every six months and see my urologist every six months. So far so good.
It has been four and one-half years post HIFU. PSA undetectable. No side effects, no ED. I continue to see urologist twice each year for check-ups. He says all is fine.
As I wrote in my original story, I had HIFU done in October, 2013. Since the procedure, I've experienced no side effects (no ED, no leaking), and PSA has been undetectable. I had bloods drawn two days ago, and the Ultra-Sensitive PSA value is 0.087.
Last PSA (ultra-sensitive) was 0.116 on 12/09/2019. I'm due for another PSA test in a month, but because of COVID-19, I'll probably wait until things calm down. Urologist did an ultra-sound exam 12/18/2019 and found nothing abnormal.
It has been 6-1/2 years since HIFU, and all is well.
Best wishes for good health to all.
Stephen's e-mail address is: smz AT bestweb.net (replace "AT" with "@")