dMy Dad passed away from prostate cancer. in October 2004. In August 2004, Dad recommended I start getting an annual PSA and DRE (Digital Rectal Examination).
From August 2004 to May 2007, the DREs were normal, but my PSA increased from 2.5 to 4.5. In June 2007, I had a biopsy that revealed cancer in 1 of 12 samples. Stage T1c. Gleason Score 3 + 3 = 6.
After discussions with my urologist, I initially decided on brachytherapy. He referred me to a radiologist/oncologist who recommended at least three months of ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) and EBRT (External Beam Radiation Treatment) before brachytherapy. He told me to take some time to decide.
I went to four different specialists, and did some research (i.e., books and the internet). I finally decided on focal cryosurgery.
The consult, pre-op mapping biopsy, and surgery were all pretty expensive. My Mom paid the cost. My medical insurance would not have covered very much of that cost. But, the insurance did cover the one-day hospital stay, plus some ancillary expenses.
In August 2007, my PSA was 4.7. In early October 2007, the mapping biopsy revealed cancer in 4 of 52 samples. Still T1c.
The focal cryosurgery in late October 2007 went well. Catheter for about a week. My initial post-op PSA, in January 2008, was 0.4. I have my PSA checked every three to six months. Most subsequent readings have been around 0.9 to 1.0.
Periodically, I do have bouts of prostatitis and some urgency at night. I try to control my diet, and exercise regularly. I am currently looking for a dietary supplement to promote prostate health.
Good luck to all.
I've been away from YANA for a while. Originally diagnosed with P/C during May 2007. Had focal cryotherapy during October 2007. Had my PSA taken 19 times in the last seven years (i.e., about three times per year). DREs about one per year. Highest PSA reading was 1.43 in October 2010. Latest reading was 1.2 in November 2014. DREs have been normal.
I'm doing reasonably well with respect to prostate health. I am now 62 years old, and have noticed more urgency with bladder. I'm sure the prostate gland has enlarged somewhat with age. But, I'm always aware of the need for regular PSAs and DREs. I need to work harder on controlling my weight through diet and exercise.
On June 10, 2015, I had my blood drawn for PSA. Doctor's office called back the next day with the reading. PSA was 0.8. I've been doing aerobic exercise about four to five times a week for the last couple of months. I think the exercise is helping my overall health. PSA is down from 1.2 in November 2014. I have to work on controlling my diet. Still carrying too much weight.
Continue to have urgency some nights due to benign enlargement of prostate.
Side Note -- June 10, 1971 was the date I graduated from high school.
Since my last update, I had my PSA measured on December 12, 2015 (PSA was 1.0), and on July 21, 2016 (PSA was 1.1). Today, October 27, 2016, I had my blood drawn for a current reading. I should have the results in a few days. I haven't had a DRE done in a while. So, I plan to have an examination in the near future.
Yesterday, November 9, 2016, I visited my doctor. She gave me the results of my PSA taken on October 27, 2016. It was 1.1 (i.e., the same as the PSA in July 2016). She did a DRE. She found there was some enlargement of the gland since the last time she checked. But, no lumps or abnormalities.
I had my PSA checked twice since November 2016. On June 17, 2017, my PSA was 1.0. I had my blood drawn again on October 13, 2017. And, today, October 17, 2017, my doctor's office called to say my current reading was also 1.0. I haven't had a DRE done since last year. I plan to have one done before the end of this year. I received the diagnosis of PC in May 2007. And, on October 25, 2017, it will be 10 years since my surgery.
On August 30, 2018, my PSA was 1.2. The DRE was normal. October 25, 2018, was the 11-year anniversary of the date of my surgery.
On January 6, 2020, my PSA was 1.3.
On September 17, 2020, my PSA was 1.6.
Since my surgery in October 2007, my regular doctor (i.e., not a urologist) has been checking my PSA and giving me DREs every six to 12 months. Over the past two years my PSA has gradually increased from 1.0 to 1.6. And, during that time, I've had an active bladder due to an increase in the size of my prostate. So, I decided to go to a urologist for a check up.
I saw the urologist on October 15th. And, he scheduled me for an MRI on November 6th. Based on the results of the MRI, the urologist scheduled me for a biopsy on December 1st. On December 3rd, the urologist's assistant called to say the biopsy was negative. Since the urologist is retiring, he recommended I follow up with one of his colleagues in six months.
The urologist left me with a good piece of advice: "Heart health is prostate health."
During late 2022, I began taking Tadalafil. My doctor prescribed this medication to help with my BPH. On January 30, 2023, my PSA was 1.4, down from 1.6.
Bob's e-mail address is: bobbybee73 AT (replace "AT" with "@")